Movie Review: Peppermint

Movie Review: Peppermint

Peppermint.pngPeppermint is a 2018 Vigilante/ Revenge movie starring Jennifer Garner. Jennifer plays Riley North a wife and mother to a 6yr old girl who are middle-class Americans. Her husband almost goes along with a co-worker to steal from a gangster. However, the gang leader doesn’t care that he wasn’t involved and guns down Riley’s husband and daughter.

Riley then goes on to extract her revenge, killing whoever gets in her way.

While I did enjoy the movie, I would’ve liked to have seen a bit of the training and pain Riley’s character goes through. There was a blip for about five seconds about it, but I would have liked to have seen her push past her limits and move forward.

Also, the ending was a bit anticlimactic when Riley kills the gang leader in the end. Overall though, not a bad movie. If you like Punisher’ style movies, then check out Peppermint.

My rating: 3.7 / 5 stars

Author Photo Andrea

Andrea R. Cooper writes fantasy, paranormal, historical and romantic suspense.

Her favorite childhood memories revolved around creating vibrant characters for her friends, and then acting out their adventures. Inside her fantasy worlds of darkened forests, dragon-filled glades, and iced islands, nothing was banned. From the ethereal Elvin to the most maligned Vampires, all were welcome in her fictional realities, a stark contrast to her home, where the magical and mythical was forbidden.


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