Shadow Bloodlines – Cover Reveal

Shadow Bloodlines – Book 1 Cover Reveal

Classical portal with corinthian columns and an arcadeI didn’t know I was a shifter until they found me…

When eighteen-year-old Beth receives a mysterious text from her deadbeat father not to go to school, why should she listen to him now? But when strangers show up in one of her classes hunting her and wanting her dead, she must uncover the truth about why and what exactly she is.

Amar has been entombed in stone for centuries. He longs for freedom and only the blood of a shifter will set him free. After centuries frozen as a gargoyle, he doubts there are many of his kind left. Yet, Beth rescues him and more than his responsibility to protect her fills him. He must choose between duty and love.

Before the race of hunters capture her, Beth and Amar must find her shifter dad in order to save all their lives.

Debut YA Fantasy Romance now available for Pre-Order on Amazon

Deadline Bloodlines – Book 2 forthcoming September 2016

A.R Cooper is the YA pen name of Andrea R. Cooper She loves reading and writing both Young Adult and Adult novels. If it has a strong heroine and an interesting story, she’ll love it.

4 responses to “Shadow Bloodlines – Cover Reveal”

    1. Thank you. did it.

  1. Really love this cover… huge congrats.

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