My Sexy Saturday – The Guardian #MSS99

Welcome to My Sexy Saturday!

Today, I’m sharing a snippet from my historical romance novella, The Guardian

I think it matches the US Holiday of July 4th and Freedom, because the heroine has been locked in an emotionally abusive marriage and now finds herself a widow. When love comes to her door in the form of a stranger, will she run or embrace it?

3Apple   Black clouds made the hour seem later than it was. Kaden came towards her, then rain fell so hard and fast they were soaked in moments.

She was too overjoyed to run inside the cabin. Instead, she shouted and laughed. Kaden swept her up into his arms and swung her around. Her black hair loosened from the movement and the rain.

When they stopped spinning, both of their clothes clung to them. His muscled chest, arms, and legs made her want to run her hands over them. To remove the barriers between them. Maybe just once. A night for her to cherish. I know his lovemaking will be better than even his cooking. She blushed hot with the thought.

Their breath came in gasps and she could not tear her eyes from his full lips when his arms felt so right around her.

He dipped his head and brushed his lips against hers, sending shivers of desire coursing through her.


The kiss so tempting that she longed to stay here in his arms forever.

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Bio Pic 300x400Andrea R. Cooper writes fantasy, paranormal, historical and romantic suspense.

Her favorite childhood memories revolved around creating vibrant characters for her friends, and then acting out their adventures. Inside her fantasy worlds of darkened forests, dragon-filled glades, and iced islands, nothing was banned. From the ethereal Elvin to the most maligned Vampires, all were welcome in her fictional realities, a stark contrast to her home, where the magical and mythical was forbidden.

Divorced and disillusioned of love and believing all the love songs and books exaggerated, she put aside her creativity for life. Many years past before characters, from the familiar to the freshly conceived, came to her again, but this time teasing at a new passion, the written word.

Gradually, her real life hero brought love and magic back into existence. During the time when her characters were getting reacquainted, the love of her life was showing her that true love never gives up and rekindles no matter how many times others attempt to extinguish it. Today, she is happily married with three children.

Andrea believes in the power of change and delighting in each moment. But most fervently, she believes in the magic of love and imagination again.


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